Who We Are

We are here not for income, but for outcome

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Donate Blood & Save a Life

Pellentesque lacinia urna eget luctus faucibus. Sus
pendisse potenti. Morbi accumsan, arcu et feugiat hen
drerit, odio quam egestas risus, tincidunt gravida est
risus ut enim.


What Our Donors Over the World Are Saying

Praying for the bad economic situation as there is a lot of people right now are suffering in Egypt.

I am 21 years old.I have been working with the AYC for 3 years now. I started as a volunteer in the evangelism team for around 2 years and right now I'm working in the ministry of evangelism and discipleship for a year.

AYC does an amazing role and I am so glad to work with them. As for the medical outreaches, lots of people in our area have been touched when they saw the love of the doctors that operated them for free, and the love of all the working team that was serving with all their hearts and coming from far.

Emad From the Methodist church in Gheit el Enab

AYC has supported me much through training each one has helped shape my personality and this meant a lot to me

It taught me how to plan and how to manage my time.Now we encourage the church through discipleship to take a practical steps in their lives and grow with Jesus step by step and  be light to others by actions.

Andre Romel

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